Friday, 20 September
Sauveterre de Béarn
Maison des Arts
Folk song meets hip hop
a music workshop with French and German teenagers
The award-winning German hip-hop music duo Zweierpasch invites you to a workshop. Based on French folk songs from the region, they will work with pupils from Sauveterre and Fribourg to create a new composition, an anthem for the Terre et Temps I Earth and Time festival. In partnership with the cultural association ASEC (Association Sauveterre Espace Culturel).
20hThéâtre Pierres et Vestiges –
Ancient theatre in Navarrenx
Hip-hop concert
a tribute to Franco-German friendship
and to a world without borders
For the first time at Béarn des Gaves: Zweierpasch – With world hip-hop, German-French lyrics, the German-French border crossers and award-winning band around the twin brothers Felix and Till stand for an unmistakable musical repertoire: rousing, melodic, progressive and full of poetic-political messages.
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